Tuesday, January 29, 2013

2D Design #1-Emotion


"Deeply agitated, agitated with doubt, mental conflict or pain, very confused or troubled, distressed"

Step 1: Draw two itty bitty pieces of paper from the jar, each with an emotion written on them. 
Step 2: Figure out a way to portray that emotion to the class with out telling them which word I drew.

The words that I drew were 'Cheated' and 'Distraught'. I drew lots of thumbnails for each word, and 'distraught' won. Being that I am not an abstract artist, I drew what I know best, realism. I haven't tried portraying too many emotions in the past, but I definitely want to do more of them because of this assignment. I have never done a finished charcoal piece this size before, and I was surprised at how much I loved it! 

A new artist that I have recently found, Dirk Dzimirsky, focuses on portraits that express the emotion of an individual and shows their 'inner presence' through hyperrealism/photorealism. Check him out!!!

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