Monday, April 8, 2013

2D Design #13: Learning To Love you More

For our last assignment we are to pick five tasks from and complete them. So far I am LOVING them! So, I will have four more posts on "Learning to Love You More". (And I am hoping to do more in the future) 

Describe the Project:  (Assignment #12) Get a temporary tattoo of one of Morgan Rozacky's neighbors. Have a friend or stranger draw, using ball-point pen, one of the neighbors on your body.
     -Background information  Who is Morgan Rozacky, and why are her neighbors so important? Morgan did one of the previous projects where she recorded, photographed, and interacted with her neighbors and everyone enjoyed her project so much, they decided to create an assignment based on her project.

Drawn by Jared Smith

I'm not quite to the point where I call myself an 'artist' just yet, but it was fun being the 'art' that was created; being on the other side, not creating the art (although I did draw on them later). This year I have learned a lot about different art theories and what other people consider 'art' and so far this project has brought to light another type of  'art' that I haven't thought about before. Instead of creating objects, I get to create experiences, which is different and yet surprisingly similar.

Drawn by Shelby Venable

 I had three people drawing on me all at once, which definitely brought us closer, not just physically. They discovered that I am ticklish (it may not be good for me in the future) and we talked and had a great time. When I was reading through the list of assignments this one didn't really stand out to me at first. I was going to choose the easier/quick projects, just to get the assignment over with, and then decided what could be better than spending time with friends and drawing with them in a nontraditional manner? 

Drawn by Kent Redford

I think the outcome was definitely successful. We not only completed the project, but kept drawing and had fun. The assignment brought us closer as friends and gave us something fun to enjoy. Drawing the random strangers was fun, but it was more about just having fun and creating bonds and strengthening friendships.

It turns out ball-point pen isn't as temporary as it sounds.

My Legs

Drawings below-drawn by me :)

1 comment:

  1. As it turns out, I have to agree. Two day's later and I still have to wear pants :) Fun night!
