Saturday, September 14, 2013

Coming off Conquerer

For the longest time I have struggled with holding my pencil the 'correct' way when sketching (Which is most likely why I have tendinitis). I don't feel like I can control the pencil when I hold it this way and I didn't really understand it until a few days ago. I decided to start and finish a sketch holding the pencil correctly, regardless of whether or not I liked the end result. My friend Holly has been drawing this way and it has inspired me to start struggling and loosen up a bit.

For those of you who are not familiar with drawing and sketching. This may help you understand what I am talking about. There are lots of ways to hold the pencil when drawing and the over-hand grip (pictured below on the right) is one that I don't use...often, but it does have it's advantages. It is much quicker and more gestural. It helps you loosen up (and that is another one of those things that I don't do often while drawing)
  Use the overhand pencil grip for sketching.

So here it is. The end result.

 Not too shabby, eh? I had fun with it and I am pleased with how it turned out. I'm hoping to have time to do more drawings like this.

Here are a few more drawings that I have done over the weekend.

Prisma Colored Pencil


Prisma Colored Pencil

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