Friday, December 19, 2014

Site-Specific Installation

Basic Sculpture: Site-Specific Installation
"I Could Have Made A Sweater"
Cement wall
Hot glue
Lots of burns and blisters...lots and lots

This class was full of things that I have never done before. I think this project was the one that was the least intimidating. We were put into groups for this project (which I wasn't super excited about, but my group turned out to be super helpful). We wanted to use cheap materials and we were limited to 3 different material types, including what we were using for the attachments. My group chose to use yarn and hot glue (the hot glue comes off the cement wall surprisingly easy) We wanted to play with color since the hallway we chose was dimly lit with yellow light.  We did a random pattern with the yarn in the back, zigzags, crossing the strings. We started with black yarn and progressed to blue down the wall creating a gradient. We then added red yarn on top in a design (that I made) that mimicked the chaotic pattern of the yarn underneath.

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