Thursday, December 24, 2015

Drawing 2 Sketchbook

Here are some images of my sketchbook from my drawing 2 class (Spring 2015) I had a blast being able to draw whatever I wanted for my homework.

There is always the debate on whether zebras are black with white stripes or white with black stripes...but what if they were just striped all the way down to their bones???

Some misshapen animals
Lion                                                                                        Giraffe
9x12                                                                                           9x12
Charcoal                                                                       Ball point pen

Reminiscing about an old sculpture project. Cartoon-izing and drawing geometric animal skulls. I am going to do a series of these skulls in the future. They were fun to imagine and play around with. 


Our model didn't show up for class this day, so we improvised for class. It was one of the funnest drawing classes that I have had in college. We had three options to choose from for a 15 minute drawing. Each of the options were two random words that we chose as a class. For each drawing session, we had to incorporate the words into a drawing. It was fun to see how different every one interpreted the words and to see everyone's style emerge through their drawing.

Richard Simmons and birthday cake

Zombie and Shark/Aliens and commodes

Broccoli eating junk food

Here are some more of my sketchbook drawings. Three of these were studies of how an object looks when you change the angle and the other two were random designs.

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