Friday, April 19, 2013

2D Design #17: Learning to Love You More

Draw a constellation from someone's freckles. Connect a series of freckles, moles, and/or birthmarks on someone's body using a ball point pen. The shape that is formed can be abstract or representational. Take a close up picture of the freckle constellation you have drawn. Make sure the picture is in focus. Use the name of the person that you did the drawing on as the title for your piece.

Stacie's Arm Constellations

Finding beauty and art with what we were born with. This project helped me see the beauty in things that many people don't see as beautiful. Most people just see freckles/moles/birthmarks as defects or unwanted marks on the skin. Creating constellations uncovered some interesting shapes and designs using the freckles and created revealed beauty I normally wouldn't have looked twice at.

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