Sunday, April 21, 2013

2D Design #18: Learning to Love you More

Record the sound that is keeping you awake

Next time you are laying in bed trying to block out the sound that is keeping you awake, get up and record it. Perhaps this is the sound of your boyfriend snoring, the dog or truck outside, or your baby crying. Get as close as possible to the source and make a fifteen second recording of the bothersome sound.

You know those days when you need to go to bed early and you brain focuses on all of the noises in your house? This happens to me quite frequently and normally the sound that keeps me awake is my mom and my dog snoring, but this time it was a little bit different. The ticking of the 3 clocks and the fish tank noise just seemed to get louder and louder with each passing minute. AHHH! 

Before learning about this assignment, I would have just continued to get frustrated with the noises that were keeping me awake, but surprisingly enough, once I recorded the noises, my brain could relax and it didn't focus on the noises any more. It's a miracle! :) The noises created an experience for me. They turned from annoying disturbances to a pretty cool art project. 

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