Monday, March 18, 2013

2D Design #7-Dream Paintings

Dream Paintings
Acrylic Paint

These assigments were given two different days and we were to paint our dreams, anything that came to mind.

With the first painting, the only criteria we were to follow was that we could only use one color and mix it with black and white. I used Pthalo Green and just explored the different colors it produced and it turned into a 'sea-like' picture. The second picture, the criteria that we were supposed to follow we that we could do anything we wanted, but we couldn't use any pigment straight from the tube. I wanted to make a sunset with some form of silhouette in the foreground. I used mostly red and yellow; with a little blue and black to create the darker reds and browns.

I enjoyed doing the second painting more, since I had an idea of what I was doing to begin with. With both paintings, I did feel rushed to get them completed and would have liked more time to work on them and add the detail that I love doing so much, but for the time allotted, I think they turned out alright.

Here are some Aboriginal Dream Paintings :)

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