Friday, April 19, 2013

2D Design #16 Learning to Love you More

Photograph a scar on your body or on someone eles's body. Make it a close up shot so that it shows the scar. Include a story.

You want the story? Here it is. I was staining the fence in my backyard and hidden between a rock and the bottom of the fence was a small hive (I found that out after I was stung.) I am not allergic to bees and yet when I got stung this time, my arm swelled up and it blistered. Weird, right? It has never happened before, and hasn't happened since. The blister ended up breaking, healing, and scarring. I'm pretty sure this was no ordinary wasp...

This project allowed me to reflect back on my life and make me realize that I have lots of scars that don't have any exciting stories behind them. 

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