Monday, November 18, 2013

Still alive?

Yes, I am indeed still alive. Here are a few smaller designs and sketches that I have done. I don't have any 2D classes so these were all just for fun. Enjoy. Feel free to comment, follow my blog, and check out my JenDrawsIt facebook page :) I don't always post the same things on the facebook page as I do here, so you could be missing out on something important. ;)

Cow Skull
Approx. 2.5x3 inches

This is just a small sketch that I did while camping with a friend. I love doing small, minute detail with graphite. Nothing gets better than that.

Ball point pen

These are just some ideas/designs that I played with for one of my bestie's homework assignments. I get jealous that she gets to do cool art assignments, so I do them for fun. :) (*Nerd alert!) Her's turned out much cooler than these. I had fun playing around with the idea with this project. Combining two things that are contrasting/conflicting/opposite type. If you can't tell, the first and last are eaten apples/silhouettes of faces eating the apple. The center design is a bird of prey with a fishy.

7 Up
2 3/4 x 2 1/4 inches
Ball point pen, white out, graphite

This was just one of those 'I will do anything to avoid doing homework' doodles

Artist Trading Card
Clock Work
Ball point pen

This was another taking a break from homework'

Gouache, ink, and colored pencils

I originally had a long paragraph explaining all sorts of details about the process of making this piece, but my internet decided to freak out, causing my browser to freeze, resulting in me losing the writings for the last two pieces. Yay. So, I'm going to try and make this quick...but most likely not. 

This was my first attempt at doing gouache. It was a bit nerve racking to me...well only part of the process. Step 1. Add gouache to board, making sure to add more gouache to areas where you don't want the ink to absorb into the board and leaving the areas that you want darker with less gouache or none at all. Step 2. Paint black ink over the entire painting. Yes. All over it. After all of your hard work painting the gouache, you basically ruin it with ink. Step 3: Let the ink dry, then wash it off. The gouache repels the ink, so the areas with more gouache will have less ink absorbed into it. Step 4: Let it dry. Step 5: I went over the piece and added more color and depth. Mucho thanks to Holly for teaching me and letting me use her supplies!

I'm not quite sure how I feel about this piece. I don't hate it, but I don't love it. My normal work is very controlled and not knowing exactly how the piece is going to turn out was definitely not my favorite part. :) But I would like to practice more at this process.

Pen and colored pencils

Just another fun doodle

Approx 5x7

Quick sketch of my nephew using a reference photo and holding my pencil overhand :)


  1. Now Jenn, If you call yourself a nerd one more time I'm going to have to scream!!! YOU ARE NOT A NERD!!!! Okay, well now that we have established that, I love that I came across this Blog, because I didn't know it existed! God has given you an amazing gift, it will be amazing to see how he has you use it. (And that is not nerdy, its incredible!)

    1. Oh and Ben loves is too, We love to see into your real life...

    2. Thank you, Bri! :) Art is definitely something that I want to spend the rest of my life doing. I thought you guys had this blog address. Sorry about that! I'd love to show you them sometime
