Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ceramics Finale!

Sadly, my ceramics class is over. I really enjoyed this class. The best part? I was actually TAUGHT and I actually LEARNED something. Which for those of you who know about where I'm going to school, it is a big deal. They just don't do that here, which is extremely annoying. I have only ever had 2 classes where I felt like teaching took place, instead of busy work (My drawing class with Tracy Carrera and my ceramics class-both fantastic. No busy work!). I go to school to learn, to get help at becoming better. That is precisely what I am paying for, but I don't feel like I am getting my money's worth. Hopefully, this semester I will be taught. Rant over. 

  My professor taught technique and gave tips on how to improve. He didn't focus on the meaning behind everything. He didn't make every piece have a concept behind it. He taught the very basics, created building blocks and used them as a foundation and built off of them. He focused on the art; the art of ceramics and the ceramic pieces themselves, which I loved. He allowed us to be creative, while still giving us guidance. He would meet with us individually and discuss ideas and give us tips on how to do certain things, like holding a tool a specific way, or things that he finds easier or helpful when he works. 

Now, on with the show, since I guess the pictures are all you really want to look at anyways. I mean, who really reads this anyways, right?! :) haha

Project 1 Final

Carving from a slab of clay
Black stain, wax finish
Approx. 4 x 4


Project 2

Hand-built coil pot with 
 carved decoration

 Wax finish.

9" tall

We used terra sigilatta  (Spelling?) mixed with colors and burnished it. Unfortunately, it began chipping off after being fired (something about the company changed how they made the terra sigilatta so it caused it to flake off) To prevent further chipping, we could add a clear glaze, but because the chipping make my piece look old, I wanted to keep it looking old and I knew if I added a clear glaze, I wouldn't get the look I wanted. So, I added a wax finish (my idea, I'm a genius, even my professor said so.) I win.

Project 3

Hand built, coiling, terracotta clay

Isn't is gorgeous!? Yeah, that's right. I made that. With my bare hands!
(for more pictures and words, look at the post before the previous post, mmmkay?)

Project 4 

Wheel-thrown cups!

I love throwing on the wheel! It is much more difficult than I remember in high school, but once you get it, it feels great! 

The best part is that they are fully functioning! Beautiful, right!? :)

 Here are a few of my favorite cups. I made 10 total.

Glazing is really nerve-wracking, but really fun. You don't ever know exactly what you are going to get, but once I got over the fact that I couldn't control that, I started having fun with it.

Project 5

Mugs! Mugs! Mugs!

Here are some of my favorites. I have 7 total and I already have a designated Hot Chocolate mug. You have no idea How much I love it! (It is the black/white/red one, just in case you were dying to know)

Hopefully I will be able to make more and make them bigger! :)

Peace out and thanks for reading!

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